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T, Pembroke; M, Deschenes; B, Lebouché; A, Benmassaoud; M, Sewitch; P, Ghali; P, Wong; A, Halme; E, Vuille-Lessard; C, Pexos; MB, Klein; G, Sebastiani

Hepatic steatosis progresses faster in HIV mono-infected than HIV/HCV co-infected patients and is associated with liver fibrosis Journal Article

Journal of Hepatology, 2017.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Controlled attenuation parameter, Hepatic steatosis, HIV mono-infection, HIV-HCV co-infection, Incidence, Liver fibrosis, Liver stiffness, Prevalence, Transient elastography


Moodie, Erica E M; Pai, Nitika Pant; Klein, Marina B

Is antiretroviral therapy causing long-term liver damage? A comparative analysis of HIV-mono-infected and HIV/Hepatitis C co-infected Cohorts Journal Article

PLoS One, 4 (2), 2009.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Antiretroviral therapy, HIV mono-infection, HIV-HCV co-infection, Liver damage